As the first full-length workshop from the Susan Jaffe Series, the Effect of Intention provides self-empowering tools to help you break through the obstacles that have limited your potential. This course focuses on applying scientifically proven principles to shift your perspective mentally and emotionally. In the Effect of Intention, Susan Jaffe guides you through a series of modules that help you release self-imposed obstacles and propel you toward the extraordinary life you are meant to live.
The Effect of Intention is available through in-person workshops with Susan Jaffe or an online course format that allows you to go through the modules at your own pace. The meditations used in the workshop are also available as downloadable audio files for your convenience. So you can take the meditations with you.
To learn more about what concepts are covered in the workshop, see the syllabus at the bottom of this page.
I loved the workshop! It truly opened my mind and heart to my own self. I instantly found myself seeing people and situations differently!
– UNC School of the Arts student
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The Effect of Intention Syllabus
Susan Jaffe shares the intentional changes that helped propel her to international success as a prima ballerina and the inspiration behind the creation of this workshop.
MODULE 1: Perspectives
You will learn that obstacles are self-created and discover the neurological basis for how changing your perspective about yourself and the world shapes your experiences.
MODULE 2: People’s Perspectives About You
This module will help you understand what happens when we allow other people’s perspectives and persuasions to guide us instead of using our own intuition.
MODULE 3: The Monkey Mind and the Caveman Brain
This module will help you recognize your inner critic so that you can begin the process of utilizing the energy wasted on negative thoughts in a positive, affirming way.
MODULE 4: Uncovering a Dominant Negative Belief
This module serves as an exercise to help you uncover some of your negative or limiting beliefs about who you are and what you think you are capable of becoming.
MODULE 5: The Science
Learn how scientific experiments confirm that our mental state directly affects the electro-dynamic fields within and around the body.
MODULE 6: Meditation and the Subconscious Mind
Learn how to use meditation to reduce stress, redirect thoughts, elevate emotional health, develop razor-sharp focus, and become more aware of your unique creative energy.
MODULE 7: Universal Intelligence
Gain an understanding of Universal Intelligence and how to connect to it. Tap into your intuition and your most profound creativity. Experience the Inner Sanctuary meditation.
MODULE 8: Affirmations
Learn how to use affirmations to effectively focus your mind and reprogram your subconscious mind to follow a new belief.
MODULE 9: Thoughts are Not Permanent
Learn to stay focused on your desires and say “no” to distracting thoughts, the ideas of others, and habits that don’t further your objectives and life’s purpose.
MODULE 10: The Law of Attraction
This module reinforces your understanding that you can be whatever you are energetically and emotionally willing to be.
MODULE 11: Forgiveness
Learn how to free yourself of any bitterness or resentment you feel toward a person, place, or thing. Try some cleansing affirmations to help you let go.
MODULE 12: The Transformation Wheel
Gain clarity around what you want and what your purpose is in life.
MODULE 13: Comfort in the Void
Acting too soon or giving up too soon can lead to regret. Learn how to be patient with positive expectancy.
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